Near North Penthouse


near north penthouse.

Chicago, IL

A thoughtful penthouse renovation designed to promote health, happiness, and productivity by maximizing light penetration into the space. The new layout is flexible to allow room for guests, and connects two previously disparate floors with a sculptural stair.

  • Dirk Denison Architects |

    Dirk Denison Architects |
    Interior Designer

    Halvorson and Partners |
    Structural Engineer

    Building Engineering Systems, LLC |
    Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineer

    McKay Landscape Architects |
    Landscape Architect

    Mitchell B. Kohn Lighting Design |
    Lighting Designer

    Joshua McHugh |

  • 2020 Chicago AIA Design Excellence Award |
    Divine Detail, Oscillating Stair

    2018 Chicago AIA Design Excellence Award |
    Divine Detail, Oscillating Stair

Dirk Denison